Ninja Baseball Bat Man – Episode 126

It was the best Batman game in arcades. It may have been the best baseball game in the arcades. It wasn’t the best Ninja game in arcades but two out of three ain’t bad. For the first episode of our Listeners’ Choice (part 5) miniseries (and our 5th year anniversary episode) we’re going to discuss the most known unknown game out there – Irem’s Ninja Baseball Bat Man.
How did this intoxicating combination of words come to be (and why is it so irresistible to say out loud)? Which of Mr. SNK’s kids had the best rebrand of Ninja Baseball Bat Man? Does an alligator lose its tail? How was Past Blaster’s trip to Japan?
We answer this episode’s listener questions: which games had the biggest crowds when we were growing up, and what arcade game did we discover for the first time through M.A.M.E.? Want your questions answered in a future episode? You can join the Podouken Discord by following this link and ask away:
News! The listener questions segments are now available on our YouTube channel:
Thanks to Kevin (aka Bull on the Podouken Discord) for the Listeners’ Choice game nomination!