Jurassic Park – Episode 082

Hold on to your butts as we explore a Steven Spielberg directed film that was a #1 top grossing box office movie and spawned a video game. No, not Jaws. No, not E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. Welcome to Jurassic Park (cue the kazoos).
How did one Spaz lead to the extinction of a special effects technology and the supremacy of another? Which Jurassic Park arcade game is the best? Who is the Gatekeeper and is there a Keymaster? Are Timmy’s dinosaur jokes better than Rob’s?
Observe the many species of Jurassic Park games placed into the arcades by Sega, Konami, and Raw Thrills. And while we wait on the goat bait to work, listen to conversations about King Kong, going overboard for Halloween, hurricanes, kids ruining theater experiences, and a lot of talk about Orlando.